Joris Blanckaert | intro to the self-curating musician + txt
Thijs Lijster | precarity and commoning
partner presentations (KASK, EUR, EAMT, AC, ESMAE)
Frans Brouwer | balancing in entrepreneurship
Saskia Westerduin | intro to systemic design
Heloisa Amaral | yearning to connect | text on discourse (as talked about in the lecture)
Anna Ranczakowska | learning from the future as it emerges
Lisanne Brouwer | from crowdfunding to crowd engagement
Marlies De Munck | meaning to music
Brandon Farnsworth | music curatorship
Ellen Loots | sustainable futures
Dimitrios Marinos | building a shared road map for sustainability & green strategies
Lieselot Lecomte | soft power through music
Arjo Klamer | a sense of purpose
Pawan Bhansing, Daniela Coimbra | psychology and motivation
More results and contact list of bootcamp teachers/artists (password protected)