This was SeCuM.
Joris Blanckaert | intro to the self-curating musician + txt
Thijs Lijster | precarity and commoning
partner presentations (KASK, EUR, EAMT, AC, ESMAE)
Frans Brouwer | balancing in entrepreneurship
Saskia Westerduin | intro to systemic design
Heloisa Amaral | yearning to connect | text on discourse (as talked about in the lecture)
Anna Ranczakowska | learning from the future as it emerges
Lisanne Brouwer | from crowdfunding to crowd engagement
Marlies De Munck | meaning to music
Brandon Farnsworth | music curatorship
Ellen Loots | sustainable futures
Dimitrios Marinos | building a shared road map for sustainability & green strategies
Lieselot Lecomte | soft power through music
Arjo Klamer | a sense of purpose
Pawan Bhansing, Daniela Coimbra | psychology and motivation
More results and contact list of bootcamp teachers/artists (password protected)
What Students Are Saying
“I found it amazing how all of us could, even being super tired, keep on going and be super motivated to work all together in community. The schedule was full but the motivation didn't end.”
“This bootcamp was about us.”
“I want everyone from my school to have this experience. I feel very privileged.”
“The workshops, lectures, and testimonial sessions had for me personally a huge impact on the way I used to perceive art. The bigger impact, though, was actually a result of interaction between us, the SeCuM students.”
“I experienced to be inspired as I wasn't for a long time.”
“A very honest and holistic approach of the fact of being a musician in our society, wanting to share and create art.”
“I think the way real stories and paths were showed by the lecturers is a thing many of the participants valued.”
“The intensive approach challenged us to push our boundaries and go further.”
“I very much would like to share how connected I felt with most of the participants, not only students but also teachers.”
“I have much more confidence, knowledge and practical tools to be convincing for others and myself.”
What Teachers Are Saying
Lieselot Le Comte
Nelle Hens
Anna Ranczakowska
Arjo Klamer